3.13.2 Collaborative Academic Arrangements: Policy and Procedures
Applicable Policy Statement. Member institutions are responsible for notifying and providing SACSCOC with signed final copies of agreements governing their collaborative academic arrangements (as defined in this policy). These arrangements must address the requirements set forth in the collaborative academic arrangements policy and procedures. For all such arrangements, SACSCOC-accredited institutions assume responsibility for (1) the integrity of the collaborative academic arrangements, (2) the quality of credits recorded on their transcripts, and (3) compliance with accreditation requirements.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College has not entered into any collaborative academic arrangements, as defined in the SACSCOC policy “Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards,” with any other higher education institution.
On occasion, a student may choose an elective course for which SWTJC does not provide instruction. In those cases, the student may arrange to take the course through the Virtual College of Texas (VCT). The VCT is a State-wide consortium of two-year colleges designed to allow “Host” institutions to transcript courses offered by “Provider” institutions. Students are actually enrolled in “Host” colleges, which are responsible for the quality of instruction and providing all related services. This course-offering arrangement applies only to individual courses; “host” and “provider” institutions do not jointly award the course credit nor do they jointly award a program credential.
In a 2007 Memorandum from SACSCOC President, Dr. Belle Wheelan, SWTJC was confirmed as an approved institution to participate in the Virtual College of Texas .
Commission on Colleges VCT Approval Memorandum, July 12, 2007